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  • Casellas, J. & Rios, A. (2017): MovinMarine: The Spanish Company Specialized in Geophysics Exploration, using Remote Sensing. Rocas y Minerales - Spain.

  • Cornelio, F., Ríos, A., Gagliuffi, P. & Rivera, H. (2014):Laguna Paccha prospect Geological Characterization,Ancash – Peru(XVIIPeruvian Congress of Geology).

  • Cornelio, F. & Ríos, A. (2009): La Saucha: VMS Deposit in the Lancones Basin, Piura – Perú.Geology Magazine. Department Council of Lima – School of Engineering of Peru.
  • Ríos, A. (2016): Lithium and their Exploration in Peru. Geonoticias.Official Journal of the Geological Society of Peru.
  • Ríos, A. (2016): Santas Gloria Mining Project. Silver (Ag) Deposit in the Mining District of Cocachacra. Geology, Resources and Exploration Potential.
  • Ríos, A. (2016): Rare Earths and their Exploration in Peru.Geonoticias.Official Journal of the Geological Society of Peru.
  • Ríos, A (2016): Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits of Lancones Basin (VMS), Piura – Perú. Mining Magazine. Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru.
  • Ríos, A., León, J., Castroviejo R. & Casaverde, J. (2006): Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits of Lancones Basin (VMS), Piura – Perú (XIII Peruvian Congress of Geology).
  • Ríos, A., Torres, J., Vásquez, E. & Franco, Y. (2006): Geology of Arasi Auríferous Project (XIII Peruvian Geology Congress).
  • Ríos, A., Castroviejo, R. & García, J. (2008): Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide of Lancones Basin. Geology Magazine. Department Council of Lima – School of Engineering of Peru.
  • Ríos, A., Castroviejo, R. & García, J. (2008): Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide of Lancones Basin (Peru). Geogaceta – Magazine of the Geological Society of Spain.
  • Ríos, A; Warscheid, W.; Escobar, D. & Vargas, Ch.(2010): Hydrotermal Alteration Minerals Mapping Using The Multispectral Image Aster in Pallcamachay Prospect – Ancash (Peru). CYTED. Oviedo – Spain.
  • Noble, D., Ríos,A., Vidal, C., Spell, T., Zanetti, K., Angeles, C., Ochoa, J. & Cruz, S. (2005): Late Cretaceous Basalt in the Rio Mala Valley, Central Peru, Evidence for Extensión and Mafic Magmatism Prior to Late Cretaceous – Paleocene Plutonism and Silic Volcanism (Special Volume Nº 6 – Geological Society of Peru).
  • Injoque, J., Ríos, A., Martínez, J., Serrano, M., Torres, J. & Vargas, Ch. (2000): Geology of Volcanic Middle Cretaceous , Lancones Basin, Tambogrande – Las Lomas, Piura – Peru ( X Peruvian Geology Congress).
  • Injoque, J.; Ríos, A. & Torres, J. (2000): Palma, VMS l Type Deposit Distal Formed in a Intravolcanic Sedimentary Environment of Casma Group, Middle Cretaceous, Huarmey Basin, Lima – Peru (X Peruvian Geology Congress).
  • Vargas, Ch.; Ríos, A & Huamán, D. (2010): Hydrotermal Alteration Minerals Mapping Using The Multispectral Image Aster in Pallcamachay Prospect – Ancash (Peru) (XV Peruvian Geology Congress).
  • Warscheid, W.; Escobar, D.; Cornelio, F. & Ríos A. (2008): La Saucha.New VMS in Lancones Basin. Piura – Peru. (XIV Peruvian Geology Congress and XIII Latinamerican Geology Congress).